Salon Etiquette

I pride myself on great customer service. To do so, sometimes I need a little help from my guests. Below are a couple of guidelines that I have at High Tide Salon.
There is a 5 minute late policy. If you are 5 minutes late or more, I have the right to refuse service. I am located inside The Cove Salon. If you are late, please use the restroom after your appointment is over if you can please.
You must wear a tampon or menstrual cup if you are getting a bikini service and it's that time of the month.
With that being said, please show up to your service clean and ready to be waxed and tanned.
Just as I have a 5 minute late policy for you, there will be times where I fall behind as well for various circumstances. So please be understanding.
Kids, we all love them and they are welcome to come to your appointment. Just be sure they are in a place that they can safely hang out. I have a chair in my room and kids activities for them. If you know your child might get into stuff (maybe likes dangerous and sharp objects that salons are full of) then we may want to reschedule for a better time!
If you no show your appointment, I will be asking for a down payment of 50% for your next scheduled services.
If there is ever an issue, please contact me directly. I would be more than happy to help or figure out a solution.